I wrote, shot and edited this short film on the friendship between 20-year-old Jordan and 92-year-old Bob. Sadly, Bob passed away in 2018. This film is dedicated to his memory, and to the friendship that brought him so much happiness in his final years.
Time to Talk Befriending is an award winning intergenerational befriending organisation. It was founded in response to research undertaken with older people in Brighton, who said “I thought I was invisible’’, “Before coming here, I hadn’t spoken to anyone in weeks”, “I just want to see a friendly face – for someone to visit me at home”. Time to Talk tackles loneliness through befriending, and running events that bring the generations together.
“From the moment Lydia approached me to offer her services as a film maker I knew that I had been blessed! This can be clearly evidenced through the beautiful film she produced about the relationship between Bob and Jordan. Throughout the process Lydia worked sensitively, professionally and respectfully. I can genuinely say that Lydia is an inspiring, talented and intelligent young lady who is motivated to work alongside like-minded people/organisations to tackle issues of social injustice.”